Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Your New Chair Won't Be Sitting In One

What do you know about Howard Dean? Hey, I'm not talking about that! Get that out of your mind.

I'm talking about what he believes in. I'm talking about how he's going to galvanize Democrats' resolve, get them off their butts and back in positions of power--right where they belong.

What better way to learn a little something than going here and seeing what he's got to say. Scroll down the page 'til you see this: Chairman Howard Dean's DNC Plan. Give it a read.

What you'll see is tons of common sense. And that's what you'll see is the bottom line in Dean's political life. He loves things that make sense. And isn't that what you want politics to do? I do too! Give it a read; yer gonna love it.


Blogger progressivegrannie said...

Go Howard! The grassroots have spoken, and we want our country back!

7:16 PM  

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