Friday, March 04, 2005

Nuking free speech

Excerpt from the Washington Post

By Robert Byrd
Friday, March 4, 2005; Page A21

A "nuclear option" is targeting the Senate. No, this isn't some terrorist plot. Rather, some in the Senate are considering dropping a legislative bomb that threatens the rights to dissent, to unlimited debate and to freedom of speech.

Sen. Byrd goes on to explain why the potential elimination of the right to filibuster in the Senate will forever hamper the right of the minority to speak, and will forever mute dissent and gag opposition voices. He notes that if Senators are denied their rights to free speech on judicial nominations, an attack on extended debate on other matters could not be far behind. "This would mean no leverage for the minority to effect compromise, and no bargaining power for individual senators as they strive to represent the people of their states."

How truly frightening this is. Free speech is already limited in Pres Bush' presence, and soon it may be limited in our legislature. Is this democracy in action? Not likely.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Republicans in Congress are so short-sighted! Don't they realize that they may be on the receiving end of this ruling (we can only hope and pray)someday when they are the minority? Ugh...I hate them so much!

3:57 PM  

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