Monday, September 12, 2005

Bush Defends His Actions

My sister thinks Bush had been drinking before his press conference on CNN. Anybody agree?


Blogger Gladmomma said...

Hey Jackie,
I don't know if he's drunk on alcohol, but he sure seems to be drunk with idiocy! He just will not own up to any culpability for this disaster! I just loved when he went on and on about how he announced it was a disaster BEFORE it hit, and that it's so rare for that to happen. Big whoop. That makes his slow response even more disgusting!

5:07 PM  
Blogger VTexan said...

Regarding President Bush investigating what went wrong in the response to the Hurricane Katrina disaster, let me paint a scenario for you:

Let's say it's late 1997. An internet blogger claims the President was having an affair with an intern by the name of Lewinsky.

The President, in a decisive move, steps before the cameras and says that a full accounting is in order, that he'll get to the bottom of it, and that it means so much to him that he's going to conduct the investigation himself.

Even if you happen to be a Democrat, that doesn't stand up to the light of day, now does it? So why has there not been an outcry over the concept of Bush conducting the Katrina investigation?

5:50 AM  
Blogger progressivegrannie said...

I must agree with madmomma, I think he is just drunk with stupidity. Did you see after he answered the first question he got a smirky look and appeared to be relieved that he had come up with what he thought was a plausible answer? Did you also see the Mayor of New Orleans roll his eyes?

10:31 AM  

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