Monday, May 29, 2006

Iraq Veterans Against the War | Memorial Day 2006

Iraq Veterans Against the War | Memorial Day 2006: "Iraq Veterans Against the War will spend this Memorial Day in its true meaning of remembrance and not in decadent celebrations of the three-day weekend, barbeques, discount sales events, and flag-waving which has come to replace the image of fallen service members in the minds of most Americans.
We can not, will not, and must not forget those who have fallen from our ranks, and the ranks of previous generations, as we are they and they are we.
No matter what your political affiliation, views of the war or personal convictions, the sacrifice of all those who wear the uniform is undeniable. Instead of celebrating this weekend, let's take this time to reflect on what personal sacrifice really means. "

I hope you spent some time reflecting this Memorial Day. I know we did at our home, all 4 generations of us.


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