Tuesday, June 20, 2006

KCDAW Coffee chat news

An Inconvenient Truth is playing NOW at the Bijou at Crossroads. Click here for show times.

Note: the dates and times will also be posted on the calendar for ready reference.

Parade July 4th in Comfort. Please join us! All are welcome. To march in the parade just wear a royal blue shirt and white pants. We will be meeting at the park and ride across from Chili's at 0930 hrs. The parade starts at 1030 hrs.

The regular meeting of the KCDAW will be on July 13th at 30260 Saratoga Lane at 1130 hrs. Directions: Ralph Fair road to Keneland to Saratoga Lane. John Courage will be the speaker.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"An Inconvenient Truth"? Isn't that the movie that Algore refused to put his name on? Don't believe me? Find it on any movie poster or in the credits....typical.

for more spine-tingling information on this fictional movie, please see:


1:43 PM  
Blogger VTexan said...

Earth To Anonymous: Al Gore's been EVERYwhere promoting this movie. If you can find your way to the trailer for this movie, the first thing you see is Al and the first words you'll hear: "I'm Al Gore..."

Your silly little site and you think he's hiding? Maybe if you've had your head stuck up where the sun shineth not it might seem as though Gore's hiding. But here in the REAL world, he's on TV, he's on radio, and he's online.

I suppose that amongst the brain-cell challenged crowd that you hang with, what you're saying rings true. But to those who are actually interested in fact, you're clueless.

8:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

got a handle on fact, do ya? *roll eyes*


6:33 AM  
Blogger VTexan said...

The URL you posted--like your logic--is dead. No surprise there.

The mass of scientists who believe global warming is real, and that man's actions may well be affecting global warming, is overwhelming, as compared to those who don't. Often, if one takes the time to investigate, they'll find that scientists who call global warming concepts junk science are revealed to work for an industry which wants to operate free of constraints that might be applied to attempt to reverse global warming.

That would be quite the revelation to you if you'd actually let it penetrate your skull. Your skull though, is apparently made of some kind of alloy which is impenetrable enough to where it ought to be used to create body armour for our boys and girls in Iraq...

7:30 AM  

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