Tuesday, July 18, 2006

There IS a God. And He Doesn't Like Ralph Reed...

Youthful-looking poster boy for the religious right (which is neither) has lost his bid to become Lieutenant Governor of Georgia. As it turns out God, showing his quirky sense of humor, dealt this blow to Reed on his 19th wedding anniversary.

Ol' Ralphie is one of the more twisted of Republican souls. He's a far right-winger who also happens to be a lobbyist. And he lobbies for gamblers (ah, the party of Bill Bennet...). And he not only lobbies for certain casino owners, but against others. In very seedy ways.

Since he lost his bid for office though, perhaps his Time...has run out!


Blogger AsukaRen said...

All these right wingers coming out of the blue. This is getting scary.

7:37 PM  
Blogger VTexan said...

They can come out of the blue all they want to...as long as they get their butts kicked like ol' Ralphie did!

8:48 PM  

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