Saturday, March 03, 2007

Conservapedia Takes On Wikipedia

Religious right activist Andy Schlafly, son of Phyllis, has created Conservapedia to promote Christian 'values'. He tried to edit Wikipedia to include his theory of evolution; failing that he decided to create a website with his own 'truths'.

Here is how the description of the Democratic Party differs on the websites:

US Democratic party
On Wikipedia:
"The party advocates civil liberties, social freedoms, equal rights, equal opportunity, fiscal responsibility, and a free enterprise system tempered by government intervention."

On Conservapedia:
"The Democrat voting record reveals a true agenda of cowering to terrorism, treasonous anti-Americanism, and contempt for America's founding principles."


Check here to see more Conservapedia.


Blogger progressivegrannie said...

Wow, guess they can totally re-write history too. Morons. Can we post the definition of Republican...i.e. repugnant? We should all try to post.

11:27 AM  

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