Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Got extra time now? Got a few extra pennies?

I know that I have some free time since the election is over and I wondered what I could do, well here are some ideas I have come up with, anybody else have additions?

Some things you can do:

Donate and/or volunteer at a foodbank. Not sure where Boerne's is located, but here is the San Antonio foodbank which serves our area, it appears.

Perhaps we could hold a food drive?
Most Needed Food Items

Peanut Butter
Canned Stews
Canned Soups
Canned Luncheon Meats
Full Meals in a Can/Box
Beans & Rice
Macaroni and Cheese
"Pop Top" Food Items
Full Meals in a Can/Box


Monica Borrego
Food and Fund Drive Coordinator

I also found this, but perhaps our librarian can find a local group that does this? This group is in Colorado, website is:
Knitting for Our Troops (K*4*O*T) Caps Project 2009
Pattern Sponsors
We're still counting but so far 5,333 helmet liner hats have been knitted and donated to the Rocky Mountain USO!

Keep checking back this week for official marathon results.
Join the Knitting for Our Troops Project and help reach our goal. We want to send 5280 hand knitted hats from the Mile High City to our soldiers overseas.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our Knitting for Our Troops Marathon on January 23 & 24! Learn more about the marathon (PDF).

Knitting for Our Troops Project - We want you as a new recruit!
Denver library


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