Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Ever Ask Yourself
These Questions?

--What’s the deal with Muslims?
--What separates regular Muslims from the
radical Muslims?
--Do Muslims have the same values as we

You can quit asking yourself because the Kendall County Democrats will get these and many more questions answered when we welcome Sarwat Husain to our March meeting. It'll be held at 7PM on Thursday March 3rd at the BISD headquarters building (just west of N. Main and John’s Road), it promises to be a fascinating evening for just about anyone. And since it’s free, it’s pretty hard to beat the price.

Sarwat Husain is Chairwoman of San Antonio’s Council on American-Islamic Relations, and a renowned speaker. She travels the country speaking to organizations to help people better understand her religion. She’s been busy since 9-11 because Americans want and need to better understand what’s going on in the world.

Kendall County Democrats are proud to offer community-minded speakers and events to broaden your understanding of local, national or international issues.


Blogger progressivegrannie said...

I am looking forward to hearing her speak. Freedom to worship is an American right, and that extends to more than the Christian faith. Those of us who are non-Muslims should learn to respect their faith. In fact, we should learn about (at least) the major religions in this world, realizing there is more than one path to God.

7:14 PM  

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