Thursday, March 17, 2005

Meet Boerne's Next City Councilmen

Thom Rickert
Well, it doesn't hurt to be optimistic, does it? I've been told that for the first time in 18 years, the Mayor and both incumbent city councilmen are being opposed in the May election. Folks, that's called a healthy Democracy.

I've spoken extensively to Bob Manning (lower photo) and Thom Rickert (top photo), and I can tell you they're articulate, intelligent, passionate, and up to the task. But that's up to you to decide. And the best way to decide is to come to the April Kendall County Democratic Club meeting and hear what they have to say.

Bob ManningHere's the IMPORTANT part: John Weir's going to open the doors early at 6:30 PM so you can talk to them face-to-face. Bob Manning's got a previous commitment and will have to leave by 7:20 or come early and find out what they plan to do once you elect them to the city council.

The place to be is the Boerne ISD Administration Building just west of Main Street on Johns Road--the regular meeting place--as close to 6:30 as possible. Looking forward to your being there.


Blogger VTexan said...

The date is in red at the top of the blog, but someone (okay, ME) forgot to mention in the article that I'm talking about Thursday, April 7th at 6:30PM.

Rule #1: don't require readers to become investigative journalists to find out when an event is!

7:44 AM  

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