Monday, April 18, 2005

Still want that "private account?"

From the New York Times:
After last week's market plunge - when America's three main stock gauges fell more than 3 percent - Wall Street and unusually nervous individual investors are looking to the flood of earnings reports this week to see how optimistic corporate America is in its outlook for the economy.
Gosh, just makes me want to have more of my money to put in the stock market. That way I can watch my 401K plunge along with my social security earnings that Bushie has convinced me will be "safe" in the stock market.
Want to be even more discouraged ? Read on.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Progressive Grannie,

There's nothing secure about THIS plan! I really do believe his plan his lost a lot of traction, but I can't believe we're still even having to talk about it! Hey Bushie, give it up already.

8:37 PM  

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