Sunday, May 29, 2005

A Memorial Day Tribute by Nightline and Doonesbury

I hope this tradition doesn't have to go on for too many more years.

To all the soldiers who have died in this horrible, unjust war....may you rest in peace.
"Doonesbury" creator Garry Trudeau again listed American war dead in his Sunday comic this Memorial Day weekend.

The strip is titled "Operation Iraqi Freedom -- In Memoriam -- Since 4/28/04-- Part 1." Included are the names of hundreds of soldiers. So many, in fact, that the listing will continue next week in "Doonesbury."

The names fill six panels. The first two panels carry a soldier playing taps and a line of soldiers saluting.

Ted Koppel will read the names, an dshow photos, of 900 American dead on a 45-minute telecast of "Nightline" on Memorial Day.


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