Sunday, August 28, 2005

Here's a Point of View I hadn't considered....

Please go to this WOAI link, read, and then perhaps let the author of it know what your thoughts are on this interesting perspective.
Like most Texas reporters, I have made the pilgrimage to interview Cindy Sheehan and her anti war comrades parked in front of Crawford. One of the made-for-television signs held up behind Cindy during the news event I attended was particularly disturbing. "Iraq," read the sign held aloft by two prosperous looking white women,"is Arabic for Vietnam."

By holding this sign, I presume they would favor that the Iraq war end the same way the war in Vietnam ended. I also presume that this means they would not oppose the same fate for the people of Iraq that befell the people of Vietnam and Cambodia after the end of US involvement there, which was one of the more horrible in the sorry annals of twentieth century tyranny. But in 1975, we were told by the anti war crowd that, after all, they were only Asians, they probably couldn't understand democracy anyway, and knew it wouldn't work 'for them.' Its sad to see the same attitude repeated today, that its not worth the blood of white Americans like Casey Sheehan to win freedom and democracy for 'those people,' in this case, brown skinned Arab Muslims.


Blogger Jackie said...

I don't read the sign the way you do, Madmomma; my thoughts must not be as deep as yours. It says to me that this war may last at least 10 longer, cost at least 56,000 more American lives and thousands more Iraqi lives.
Ah, but now I see what you mean. After the years pass and the lives are lost, the 'attitude' comes into play.
A loser any way you read it.

2:20 PM  
Blogger Gladmomma said...

I'm being soooo sarcastic! This guy is an obnoxious jerk! How dare anyone call me a racist because I don't want any more soldiers to die! Also, his logic is so wrong. There are "brown" people who are giving their lives over there as well. It wasn't just white boys we sent over! Sorry for the confusion.

3:17 PM  

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