Friday, June 09, 2006

Live Blogging from the Convention

I'm sitting in the convention center, blogging as the action is happenin'! I love it! VTex and I are just a little bewildered at how disorganized the whole operation has been. The caucuses (workshops) began before the credentials were handed out. That was a real head scratcher! It's funny how we all just love to talk and there's no real order to any of the proceedings. The SD25 caucus this afternoon was really kinda fun. I was an alternate and VTex was a delegate. I didn't get to vote for anything, but it was enjoyable watching the process. We voted in Michael Wilson as the SD25 committeeman. Zada True-Courage was re-elected. Jim Mattox--you know who he is--chaired the whole session. He was so cool to watch!
Here's a picture of all the delegates standing and being counted during the proceedings.

NeilYoung's album is playing over the loud speaker and the color guard is practicing before we begin in 10 minutes. It's kind of surreal.
See you later!


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