Saturday, June 10, 2006

Sharp Cookie

Radnofsky is detailing some of the attributes of the Democratic party and liberalism in general by putting the form of human stories. Who has benefited from the GI Bill...her grants to go to college.

Now she's attacking the Bush administration's reactions to 9-11...a lack of vision...the wrong focus. She's taken 401 trips on her journey thus far through Texas to try and re-capture "Lloyd Bentsen's seat, which has been temporarily taken away..."

"Can we trust your elected officials today?" HUGE reaction from the crowd.

Evidently Kay Bailey Hutchison is refusing a debate from Radnofsky...Barbara Ann has bought Kay a state of Virginia bag (Hutchison has moved to Virginia). She also has a case of Alaskan salmon to present to her, since Hutchison's votes have benefited the Alaskan senator so much.

She keeps asking the crowd if the crowd should trust Hutchison, while giving us dozens of reasons why not. She's talking now about who has funded Hutchison's campaign.

Barbara Ann knows how to work the crowd!

"Should we trust her?" NO!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

G.I Bill is still strong. Its a great way to recieve a military education

9:05 PM  

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