Wednesday, July 19, 2006

EWWWWW ! ! !

Bush gropes German Chancellor Merkel. Where is this man's brain? This is totally inappropriate behavior for ANY adult male in a work setting for crying out loud!


Blogger VTexan said...

This was, to me, the most telling moment of the G8. In an attempt to look like a big deal, a man who's earned the respect of the world leaders, Bush, in passing the German Chancellor did the touchy-feely back massage thing.

In a good relationship, it would be perceived as a sign of affection, and welcomed warmly.

In a relationship NOT built on trust and mutual admiration, the spontaneous reaction would be a physical revulsion, and that's exactly what happened. Merkle's distaste for the president was palpable, and her reaction so genuine that she wasn't able to be politic--she just reacted.

In this world stage where images are carefully controlled and pre-determined to have the affect it's desired they have, this was more real a moment than could ever be expected. And yet another one the mainstream American press has chosen to ignore. Oh liberal media...where art thou?

5:53 AM  

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