Saturday, July 08, 2006

Kendallian Voice Makes the Big Time

Well...kind of. The most-visited liberal website is a blog called Daily Kos. Operated by a guy named Markos Moulitsas Zúniga, it's an incisive compendium of liberal thought. For some reason or another, Mr. Zúniga found his way to the Kendallian Voice when we were at the Democratic Convention in Ft. Worth. Madmomma and I were there representing Kendall County, blogging live from the convention floor. I guess Mr. Zúniga liked what he read and quoted us on a June 11th posting. It's a long column, so if you click edit and do a find on this page and type in Kendallian, it'll take you to this:

From The Kendallian Voice:
"General Clark just left the stage after a rousing speech which left us here in the auditorium with sore hands from clapping, and sore leg muscles from standing up and sitting down with ovation after ovation.
He was critical of the Bush administration on a very deep level. His distrust--his anger--at how they've misled this country was clear, and was felt by everyone here.
His charge to Texas Democrats was that we've got to take back control of this country, and the time is now. In his speech the recurring theme was Enough is Enough! and the crowd chanted right along with him. It sure made a lot of us wonder if the 2004 election might have gone differently if he had been our nominee."

So now this humble little blog for this small Texas county has been quoted by the most-read blog there is. Yowzuh!


Blogger progressivegrannie said...


9:19 PM  

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