Saturday, March 29, 2008

What Do 100 Kendall County Democrats Look Like?

Early today, more than 100 delegates, alternates and interested people came by Fabra Elementary and turned democracy inaction to Democracy In Action! It was a great morning (that stretched into the afternoon). Fortunately, someone had thought to bake some cookies.

...and not just ANY cookies, as you can see by their design.

It was an intense, productive convention, with lots of give-n-take, back-n-forth, and other apostrophe-riddled-phrases that I can't think of right now. We came home and took a 3-hour nap, so it must have been pretty intense.

Thanks to County Chairman John Weir for conducting a well-researched convention, to the executive committee who did a lot of legwork, and for Kendall County Democrats, who clearly are emerging as a power for good in this part of Texas! A Message to all you new folks: now that it's all done, don't be a stranger. It was great having you there.

And here's one of the delegations which is Austin bound:


Blogger AnnPW said...

It was a great experience and thanks for the pictures!

5:39 PM  

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