Friday, February 18, 2005

FREEDOM: It's Like Your Car

You have to maintain it. If you don't keep it tuned up then it will degenerate and not be what it once was. Correspondent Progressive Grannie brought this article to my attention.

It's not earth-shattering stuff. It's just that pesky stuff that chips away at what we think our country is all about. And it's the kind of thing this administration has done a lot of ever since they got into office. 9-11 was their carte blanche, the teat they've been milking for the last 4 years that allows them to do anything in the name of safety and security.

Okay...after I get you all rattled with that article, let me give you something decidedly lighter. It's a silly little item about what to expect if you decide to take the easy route and give up the hard work of being a virtuous Democrat, and become a Republican. Let it play's pretty hilarious.

Have a good weekend all!


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