Thursday, July 07, 2005

Terrorist Attack in London

This is from a British source. It includes a map of where the explosions took place. Please keep watching the news for updates.


Blogger progressivegrannie said...

One wierd fact about the bombing on the Aldgate line: that line is only open M-F and serves the banking district mainly. Wonder if they have good surveillance from there?
I was totally impressed with their preparedness and organization of the rescue efforts. It was more than obvious they had trained and planned and trained some more. In this country we pay lip service to homeland security. I bet if the same thing happened anywhere but NYC, the result would be mayhem.

Of course, look at D.C., when a plane flys over the District, everyone runs screaming from the Capitol and the Congressional office buildings like chickens with their heads cut off.

What a country...

9:15 PM  

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