Monday, August 01, 2005

So Now It's Done

Yet another notch in the pock-marked wall of shameful Bush decisions, John Bolton's been appointed UN Ambassador without facing the Senate.

So much emnity has gone into the fight over his selection that few have thought to ponder the benefits of Bush choosing someone--ANYone--else. Think of what a statesmanlike gesture it would have been if, after finding out the depth of opposition to Bolton Bush had come out and said "I really want to try and make everyone happy. Since my appointee will represent everyone in this country--Democrats and Republicans alike, I'm prepared to make a concession. In the spirit of coming together over this, I'm withdrawing the nomination of John Bolton and instead I nominate (fill in the blank)."

That this last paragraph is so off the wall weird is a measure of how amazingly polarized we've become in this country. The idea of Bush doing something to meet in the middle is just laughable.

So...why am I not laughing?


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