Kerrville's Peace March
Last Saturday when I got to the grounds of the Kerr County Courth-ouse for the Peace March, I thought, what a great day for a march! Clear and sunny, cool but not cold. Those who started out in sweaters ended up with them tied around their waists.
I pulled into the parking lot and was immediately greeted by a Kerrville couple. Then another. And yet another. They're going to get the reputation of being good folks if they're not careful.
I counted about 65 of us at our peak. I thought that was a good turnout, although I was disappointed that I was the only Kendallian (as far as I know).
We marched with a variety of signs, but mine was typical:
Support the Troops. Bring 'em Home!
Kerrvillians (I'm tempted too call them Kerrverts, but that has an unsavory sound to it) greeted us warmly at times, honking and giving us thumbs up. At times however, we were given the single-fingered salute, and then there was the guy who took the cake:
"You Al Quaida Democratic idiots!"
he screamed as he sped away. Ah, yet another Republican coward. Just brave enough to yell out something ridiculous, but not brave enough to stop and engage us in conversation to tell us why we were so wrong. I suspect there are a lot of those folks these days; in their heart of hearts they're scared that maybe they've invested their trust in an untrustworthy man.
I met lots of folks in Kerrville, and it was nice to know that in that bastion of Republicanism there were plenty of people who could get together and exercise their constitutional rights. Congratulations Kerrville. May it not be the last peace march, unless it's because peace has been attained!
WIsh I could have been there...
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