Monday, January 23, 2006

This Week on the Daily Show

Monday, 1/23: Fred Barnes, reporter / author, "Rebel-in-Chief"

Tuesday, 1/24: Anthony Hopkins, actor, "The World's Fastest Indian"

Wednesday, 1/25: TBD

Thursday, 1/26: Bernard Henri-Levy, philosopher / author, "American Vertigo"


Blogger VTexan said...

Thanks for posting these every week. It's nice to know who's going to be on.
Fred Barnes should be VERY interesting tonight, as he has a certain righteous indignation about his right winged-ness...and he's not as fast as Jon Stewart. I expect to see some fireworks...

5:49 PM  
Blogger Gladmomma said...

Aargh! Fred Barnes was acting like a proud papa about his bratty son who has run amok! He thinks it's a good thing that Bush has thumbed his nose at all the people who know what the hell they're talking about? Oh, puhleeze!

8:38 PM  

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