Sunday, February 20, 2005

I Know What You're Thinking...

You're thinking "Is Jeff Gannon really that bad? Has he been unfairly maligned? How can I really judge him without hearing all the questions he asked Scott McClellan and the President over the last couple of years?"

I'm thinking you're right. And one of those fabulous things about the internet is that someone has done precisely that, and posted the site which contains it. Thanks to Keith Olbermann's Countdown for having the cojones to continue to keep this story alive as the so-called mainstream press is content to just let it go away. His show is extremely entertaining, very well-produced, and thought-provoking. It's like a PBS program that has a polished sizzle that you don't often find there. Locally, it's on at 7PM on MSNBC, and I highly recommend it.


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