Monday, March 07, 2005

William Dowell on George Bush's Wahabbis

In today's TomDispatch William Dowell writes an excellent article on why the Ten Commandment cases at the Supreme Court are so dangerous. How so? They have the potential to blur previous distinctions regarding the separation of church and state.

The Tom Dispatch notes: "We're in a period, of course, when lines of every sort, involving civil rights, privacy, foreign and domestic spying, presidential power, Congressional rules, the checks-and-balances that once were such a proud part of our political system, and so many other matters are blurring radically."

Of further interest, to quote Mr. Dowell: "...let's at least remember that Christianity did not exist when the commandments were given. It might then seem more consistent to go with the Hebrew version rather than any modified Christian version adopted thousands of years after Moses lived. Since the Catholic Church predates the Protestant Reformation, it would again make more sense to go with the Catholic version than later revisions."

Between the nuking of debate in the House and Senate and the blurring of the lines between church and state, our country will become a shadow of its former self, as the right wing religious fantatics change more and more of the laws we hold dear. And you thought the Taliban were bad? Wait until the right wing agenda sneaks up on you before you even realize that you have lost your civil liberties.


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