Sunday, October 23, 2005

A Delightful Dinner

This year's Eleanor Roosevelt Dinner was a splendid event! The crowd was large, the food was great, and the speaker inspired us to look for a more noble person to go to the White House. I'm not sure how many people came, but the room was pretty much filled to capacity, with guests ranging in age from 8 to 90. Kudos to Stu Adamslundy, who headed a kitchen crew that created a delicious dining experience, and a big hand for Jan Jarboe Russell, who told a great Ann Richards joke. The silent auction had loads of political memorabilia, as well as some unusual products, such as the bizarre candles we ended up taking home with us! It was all for a good cause, though, and surely raised lots of money for the KCADW.

If you missed the fun this year, don't worry, there's always next time! We'll keep you posted.

Jan Jarboe Russell posing with KCADW member Carol Carpenter.

Jan Jarboe Russell chats with young Dem, Cyra Dumitru.


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