Monday, June 12, 2006

They Talk the Accountability Talk

But will they ever walk the accountability walk?

Check this out. It appears to show from a shooters-eye-view private contractors in Iraq randomly shooting at cars behind them. Outside-the-car points of reference show the car that's being shot from is moving pretty when cars approach the vehicle from behind, someone with a machine gun starts shooting at them.

The video doesn't make clear if anyone died, but windows are shot through, cars veer off the road, and cars crash into one another, perhaps because the driver has been shot.

The US government has investigated the video, but refuses to release the investigation. Bottom line: no charges. So whoever it was who thought shooting at Iraqis was good fun has been allowed to get away with it.

And we still claim that "they hate us for our freedom."


Blogger Violeta del mar said...

I can only wonder how many incidents like this happen every week that just never leak out to the press because the victims have no voice and no one can tell the media. It just makes me so horribly sad.

Thanks for posting! This blog gives me a refreshing view of Texas.

1:31 PM  
Blogger VTexan said...

Here in the midst of red-land are many of we blue folks. The generalizations about Texas are fairly true, but they don't take into account the REST of us...and there are many.

Glad we're able to cut through on your impression of Texas.

4:20 PM  

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