However ya say it, there's little better than a hot, pile of lasagna begging for your plate. On Saturday night at 6, at that Holiday Inn Express in Boerne, there's going to be more lasagna than you can shake a stick at. But why shake a stick when you can take a fork to it? And that's not all. There will be wine, and there will be salad, and there will be wine (tip of the hat to you Mary).
And not only that, but this pasta-rific meal will be served to the best people in Kendall County: its Democrats! C'mon...you know it's true. Liberals are more interesting people than those other folks. And liberals + lasagna! Holy tamoly, I can hardly wait.
It all gets started at 6 o'clock. The lasagna dinner isn't just a fun social event; it's a fund-raiser for Kendall County Democrats. We've got to establish a party headquarters in September, so that we can do our part to sweep Democrats to victory in November. And if you can have a heaping helping of lasagna, and help insure a Democratic victory, why the heck wouldn't you?