Sunday, February 20, 2005

Do we know whose lists we are on?

American News 02/17/2005 Do we know whose lists we are on? More than 40 people in Aberdeen were on a do not admit list, and were not to be admitted to a Bush function touting his new social security plan.
This is a free country? Democracy exists in America? Sounds more like a communist state to me. So, I am probably on every list there is. I voted Democratic, contributed to Howard Dean, gave money to the ACLU and TARAL pro-choice America. I guess that will put me at the top of the do not admit list to just about anything the Bush administration does. We are denied admission to Presidential appearances, news is sanitized, most of us only hear what the President and his ilk want us to hear. That is, unless we obtain our news from sources outside the country, or from the Spanish Channels on TV, which are excellent. We are herded by the media, and given propaganda from our government, so that we will toe the party line. Those of us in disagreement are ridiculed, derided and more.

This makes me thing about my last vacation which included a visit to Dachau....

Read in the displays in Dachau:

The modernization of society was regarded as a crisis, and evoked fears and resentment. These emotions found expression in distorted ideas of "gutter literature," "nigger jazz," "degenerate art." "Jewish building Bolshevism," and "Jewish capitalism." The opponents of modernism rejected the cultural diversity of an open society. Instead they strove towards a "national community" of cultural uniformity achieved through authoritarian means. These ideas were interspersed with racist, and more often, anti-Semitic prejudices.

National Socialism consolidated and radicalized a number of different political positions that were widespread in German society, in particular nationalism, imperialism, Social Darwinism and resentments towards liberalism, democracy and the socialist worker's movement. The ideas of the Nazi movement strove towards a "radically pure national body." All "elements" that "weakened" it or which did not "fit in" were to be removed. Such notions gave expression to a racism in which people were classified and treated as superior or inferior according to biological characteristics. The National Socialists propagated above all hostile images. Hatred of Jews was also a centuries old tradition in Germany. Jews were first discriminated against for religious and socially motivated reasons. Since the 19th century, more and more "race-ideological arguments" were being put forward. The National Socialists combined both forms " anti-Judaism and anti-Semitism."

IMHO: in the first paragraph insert the words non-Christian, Islamic, and/or gay for Jew; that is the climate in the USA today.

See any parallels? Are you old enough or educated enough to remember the McCarthy era? If you don't agree, you will be blackballed. Why must we toe Bush's party line? Why does he exclude those who do not agree? Is it fear? Or is it because he is so convinced that he is right and has a God-given right to rule us, that he refuses to acknowlege any person with an opinion contrary to his. After all, if we don't believe, we are wrong. Period.

Those of us who don't agree must continue to work for change. We must work to get our country back from this madness!


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