Monday, February 21, 2005

To Blog...or Not To Blog...That's Not A Question!

Without question, the care and feeding of a good blog means that it must be fed every day. No exceptions. Holidays? Tough. Sick? Sorry. If you can sit in a chair and type, then you must feed the blog every day. I guess you all can't. But of the half-dozen or more of us willing to look foolish in public, we must!

So what could I possibly talk about today? Oh... here's something. From President Bush's keynote address in Brussels he spoke of the fracturing of relations between the US and Europe in the lead-up to the Iraq war: “No temporary debate, no passing disagreement of governments, no power on earth will ever divide us."

I view the war as SO much more than a temporary debate or a passing disagreement of governments. The bite sounds quite good, as it was intended to, the words once again reflecting that Bush resolve in the "will ever divide us" phrase. But with estimates ranging from the tens of thousands of Iraqis dead, the nearly 1500 Americans dead and the 10,000+ injured, this is far more than Bush characterizes it.

As Mr. Bush retires to the gentleman Texas ranchlife four years hence, there will be tens of thousands of Americans dealing with horrific injuries and psychological scarring. Will Mr. Bush do everything he can to increase the physical and mental health and care for veterans? Methinks not. There are too many tax cuts to give away.

And as our so-called-liberal-media lauds Bush's humble attempts to mend the fences he flattened in his mad dash to declare war, that media will probably never mention what a waste of time it is to mend fences that never had to be broken


Blogger progressivegrannie said...

Excellent commentary. Bush came off IMHO as a bumbling idiot in his address. He still sounded like the world's bully.
As for posting when sick, if I can do it with a temp of 101, anyone can do it!
So post folks, post!

10:08 AM  

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